πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»PM Projects: What You Need to Know

What is a PM Project?

Proof of work to show that you’ve done some work in or related to the PM field.

Why do you need projects?

  • Adds weight to your CV (especially when you’re in early college with little-to-zero experience)

  • Signals your strengths to the interviewer

  • More impressive projects make you stand out from the crowd

What makes a good project?

Use this as a checklist in the future!

What do each of these signal?

  • You consider the user’s pain points

  • You will track, iterate and improve

  • You are a true β€˜manager’

Do read this blog by Julie Zhuo for product critique and deep insights on how to see product management in two lenses:

Continuing from Julie's blog, Manas Saloi's post adds more ideas and ways to make your product critique better. (Also, Manas Saloi is a great resource for any questions about products.)

Where to find PM Projects?

  • Your own ideas and observations

  • LinkedIn (Search Flipkart APM decks/Nextleap GP/Insurjo Projects)

  • PM School Weekly Challenge

  • Product Competitions

  • High On Product :)

The next page will help you get started:

πŸ”How-Tos to Get Started

What should you do after all this?

  • High Effort: Personal Website

  • Low Effort: Use Notion (Refer to this thread)

Last updated