✍️Defining a Problem

β€œIf I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”

- Albert Einstein

What is a Problem statement?

  • It is a simple but great way to concentrate on the key problem(s) to solve, constantly asking the β€˜why’ of a specific problem or need.

  • It is NOT a solution in disguise.

  • It needs to reflect your understanding of the problem that you’re looking to solve and serve as a communication tool in ensuring that other people are on the same page with regards to the understanding of a problem.

What goes inside defining a problem statement?

  1. Do background research on the:

    • Product

    • Company

    • Market

  2. Understand the Customer:

    • Build a persona

    • Map their journey

    • Identify their pain points

  3. Define the problem you want to solve

  4. Analyze the impact of the problem

  5. Identify the root cause of the problem

  6. Prepare the problem statement

You'll find more information and some great examples in these articles below:

Last updated