2️⃣Product Critique

The goal of a product critique is to understand what's good and what needs improvement in a product. It helps make changes before and after the product is released in a step-by-step manner.

A product critique is a way to evaluate a product from different angles, like how easy it is to use, its design, functionality, accessibility, and profitability. It involves doing tests, analyzing feedback, and checking its quality and design. This evaluation can be done with customers or within a team.

Problem Statement

You are asked to conduct a product critique on your favorite product. The purpose of this critique is to evaluate the strengths and areas for improvement of the product. While solving the problem statement, try to address the following questions:

  1. What user problems does the product solve, and how do users interact with it?

  2. Which features are most popular among users, and what are the reasons behind their popularity? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the product?

  3. How does your favorite product stand out among similar ones?

  4. What changes can be made to improve usability?

  5. Is there potential for new product offerings?

  6. What strategies can you develop to optimize the product? Think about their reach and impact as well.

  7. What are the risks and trade-offs involved in pivoting or simplifying the app?


  • Limit your slides to a PPT of ≤10 slides with a clear focus on users, research insights, and structure.

  • Include wireframes/mockups wherever necessary to support your analysis. (HINT: identify user touch points. Use Balsamiq/Figma.)

  • Ensure to include prioritization of the solutions suggested.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Depth of the research

  2. Structure of the solution

  3. Impact of the solution proposed

  4. Innovation

  5. Presentation skills

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