📊Metrics for Product Management

Metrics are CRUCIAL for understanding your users and whether your product is delivering value. Numbers tell a story. And you need to speak that language.

First, let's understand the difference between Metrics, KPIs, and OKRs. Take a look at this article:

Some Commonly Used Metrics

  • Quantitative (numbers-focused): MAU, conversion rate, revenue

  • Qualitative (user feedback): NPS, satisfaction scores, interviews

  • Leading (predictive): New sign-ups, quality of inbound leads

  • Lagging (historical): Revenue, churn rate

  • Business: Revenue, profit margins, acquisition costs

  • Product: Adoption, retention, feature usage

Selecting your Metrics

The AARRR framework is a model for tracking and optimizing the customer journey. It categorizes metrics into the following stages:

  • Acquisition/Awareness - How do you acquire new users?

  • Activation - Do users have a great first experience?

  • Retention - How often do users come back?

  • Referral - How do you incentivize sharing?

  • Revenue - How do you monetize users?

Refer to this blog to understand metrics (and selecting your metrics) in detail:

Last updated