🤔What is Product Management?

Product Management is like being the captain of a ship. Imagine you have a great idea for a product – it's your job to make that idea a reality and guide it through its entire journey.

You decide where the ship (product) should go, how it should look, and how to make sure people want to use it.

Key Responsibilities

Planning the Trip: Deciding where the ship (product) should go and setting goals.

Building the Ship: Working with a team to actually create the product.

Checking the Weather: Understanding what's happening worldwide to make smart decisions.

Making the Ship Comfortable: Ensuring the product is easy and enjoyable for people to use.

Inviting Passengers: Launching the product and telling everyone why it's great.

Checking the Map: Track how well the product is doing and making improvements.

The Product Manager's Role

As the captain, a Product Manager guides the ship, ensuring it reaches its destination successfully by combining big-picture thinking with hands-on work.

Last updated